Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I don't feel good at all right now.

Normally, I would be doing homework right now.

I mean, it's not like sick.

It's more like sad. Mad.

This is a pathetic blog post.

I know.

I don't get it.

When someone wants something to happen, you don't make it happen. Then, when they don't want it to happen anymore, you try and make it happen.

My homeroom teacher got engaged on Saturday! I'm so happy for her! During Language Arts, all the girls started looking at wedding dresses and thinking of ways we could contribute to a gift, like maybe something from Tiffany's?

She wants her dress to be un-poofy (not a word, I know) and something slightly "different", but more on the simple side...


Francesca said...

STUPID CARROTS, ALL ORANGE AND WEIRD AND POINTY.. WHO EATS POINTY VEGETABLES? (: lol you know what I mean.. && check out the Tiffany's website, under Gifts, aand then Wedding Gifts <33

Cassidy said...

franny is rights.....carrots are like eye candy;; theyre to your benefit, sometimes pretty to look at, but they cant ever look back at u and think how pretty are too.

Lizzi said...

thanks guys. luv ya.

franny- i am on it now! i found a couple cool gifts... we should all work on a flyer and have it copied. then, give it to ms. dumont to pass out. lol, sweth and i were brainstorming.