Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday To Moi!


This year isn't the most amazing.
I decided not to have a party.
And school was kinda suckish.
But, I'm waiting for a special gift from somebody... but I don't know if that's going to happen.

I haven't opened my parents gift yet, but so far I have gotten:
From my brother- Gary The Snail (Think Spongebob) plush toy
From Aisha- a pink American Eagle tank
From Grandma Shirley- $50
From Grandma Georgea and Grandpa Bill- $25
From Aunt Susan, Uncle Al, Matt, Dominic, Luke & Peter- Target Gift Card ($15)

I brought in cookies for my homeroom. Before that they sang to me. Ugh, that's the worst part about birthdays.

AND! My sis let me pick out her outfit!
I never get to do it because she hates to be all dressed up & stuff. Her average outfit is a t-shirt, sweater, jeans, and sneakers.
Give me a B, an O, and a RING! (sorry, I didn't want to do the rest)

In Social Studies we did a skit on how Athens (in Ancient Greece) got its name and I had to arm wrestle with one of my worst enemies. It sucked.


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