Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sorry for the Inconvenience

Some of you Cali Gals and Guys may be disappointed at the fact that I changed my somewhat famous title 'Joisey Gal with a Cali Twist'... but, this blog needs a change. It's boring, no one reads it except for people that know me and after I read my mom's last post, One year and then some I realized that it was true... I considered New Joisey my home. 

So, instead of cyber-talking to my friends in my posts and talking about things that are nonsense to readers who don't know me (my goal for August is to get as many readers as possible to read my blog and some other things I will not name at the moment). I may have a few notes or two at the end of my posts, but, comments are appreciated. :-)

So, about the new me:
movie watched: Fool's Gold (excellent, by the way)
book read: A Girl Like Moi 
food eaten: strawberries
TV show watched: Design on a Dime on HGTV
vacation: California
shopping trip: July 21st, 2008
mall shopped at: Santa Rosa Plaza
store shopped at: ICING by Claire's
thing said: "The real popsicles, like cherry, grape, and strawberry." (Mom asked what things she should buy from the grocery store)
website visited (before Blogger):
blog visited:, before that,
website signed up for:
thing I hung up on my bedroom wall: a gigantic Jonas Brother poster from Celebrity Spectacular
magazine read: Seventeen
person emailed: Piinkzebra11 (aka my BFF Cass)
email received: an email from asking me to vote for their music video for "Burning Up'' for the MTV Video Music Awards. I did.

I'm thinking about doing a fashion blog (the blog I just read-- Style Rookie,, really inspired me)... even though it'll just be another failure just like those other blogs I tried to do. By the way, they are both deleted, so the link won't exist if you enter them in the address bar. 

I should be posting wayy more often so check wayyy more often. 
See you soon. Hope that someday I do become famous and this blog will be an almost-ever-lasting blog. 

Also, if you haven't already... make sure to read the post before this.... :-D
--Lizzi Wyatt

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