Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New or Fondue?

The other day, we went to the Poconos, and we visited a toy shop. Well, when you have a 4 year old brother (Dana) with you, things might twist a little. Before we went into the toy shop, my mom warned us, "We're only LOOKING, not buying." Now to little tots like him, Looking means the same thing as buying (NOTE FOR MOMS). Of course, little Dana finds a doctor's kit, a sled, toy swords, toy trucks and tractors, it's paradise for the munchkin. Then we left, Dana says in a whine-like voice, "Mom, I found a perfect toy, can I get it?" Mom replies, "You heard what I said, honey. Put them on your Christmas list." The grand finale,"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I WANT A TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAA WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"

To get to the point, well he did this the whole drive home. So I thought, "Hey, why don't I tell him we can make toys so i=I can SHUT THIS BOY UP!!!!" So I told him my idea, he liked it, we started the next morning. He wanted to make a dump truck. I was ready, clay, newspaper, and toothpicks. I worked hard, rolling the clay with my weak strength, putting the pieces together with dumb measurements, and uuuugh. the pain. Dana just sat next to me, looking like a house-maid: his apron with flowers and fruit. Yes! I was finally done. when I looked at it it looked like some robot truck made out of meat balls and a box. Dana didn't notice, so i put it in the oven to dry. After a half an hour, I opened the oven door, and there wasn't any "truck", there was some colorful fondue. I showed Dana and he was disappointed, so was I after getting clay stuffed in my fingernails. I learned a lesson, and it will be something to remember!

I saw Enchanted yesterday, I give it 4.5 stars. PERFECTO!

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