Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Emergency post!

OMG! Guess what amazingly happened today?!? Ok, let me tell the whole story...

We were driving to Sneddon's, a breakfast/lunch diner. It was 36 degrees and it was raining too. I guess you know what happens next, we were saying to each other, "Maybe it''l snow?" "And on Dad's birthday too!" By the way, today is my dad's birthday, so say happy birthday. Anyway, all of the sudden dad said, "I think I just saw a flurry!!" Then, there it was, little flakes of...SNOW! It was a combination of snow and rain so every time the flakes touched the ground they melted, but still....WOW!

That was my emrgency share, have a wonderfully, glorious, excitingly awesome, hopefully warm, and weird day!!

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