Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

In Memory of Twiggy

Unfortunately, Twiggy has passed away. She was hit by a car yesterday around 2:30.

Please pray for her.

We buried her yesterday.



Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Lizzi :(
I'll pray for Twiggy.

xobeachboundox said...

aww thats so sad. so sorry lizzi.

DeeDee said...

OH My GOSH!!!! That was a HUGE surprise. That's so sad. Aww, R.I.P. Twiggy. That's horrible. I'm sorry:-(

DeeDee said...

and wow. Dana got so big! Last I saw him he was so little.

G said...

I'm so sad to hear that! I just can't believe it.