Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Speech.

*walks up to mic, straights spine, and looks at the addience*

"Uhem. Is this thing on? Yes? Okay, good.
My fellow citizens, as you know a girl named Lizzi has her own blog called or spot... or something. Whatever, samething. Anyways, me, being a hue-mongo fan, read it once in a while. I know, I know, I dont leave comments but hey you coant help it when your computer turns weird on you!! If you read it consistontly, you already know that she is planning on quiting her blog... or at least stop blogging as much. Now, I dont know you... but I know I am a stalker and like to find out what is happening in other peoples lives. Hahaha. Just kidding. Really, I was. Guys, just kidding."

*Gets stopped short cause a girl in the back starts to laugh at me instead of with me*

"Hey you! Brat! Stop that laughing or I'll beat the shitters outta you!!"

*Girl stops laughing and turns bright red*

*Smiles before continuing*

"Thank you. Okay, even though none of us our stalkers and want to spy on people and screw there life up... we DO have an intreast in reading Lizzis writing. Why you may ask? Well just cause. She is an excellent wrinter. And if my language arts teacher were here she'd say.. "KATIE! TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF OF THAT DESK! COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU YAWN!!" and after that... "Use proper writing vocabulry.Then, having but no choice whatsoever... giving the writing vocab words... LIKE... Lizzi Persuades you innto her thoughts. She makes strong hooks that make the reader want to read on. And even during the middle of one post, she makes you read on cause of the interesting thing she does just to make you stay awake and keep reading on. Oh, and Mrs. Sears if your out there in this adience... I bet your proud of me right this second! *Flashes a big smile, then continues* And that is why Lizzi, why everyone adores and yerns for your blog. I bet there are plenty of ofther many reasons why people enjoy your posts... and just cause their stalkers. Byt really Lizzi? If you ask me DONT STOP YOU R BLOG AND KEEP POSTING. Like this very second!!! GO! RUNN!!! CLIMB THOSE ROPES! Just dont fall and brake your neck and end up getting that neck brace you image you will be getting. Wait delete that. That didnt sound encouraging. Ehum.. well... ohh i got it! GO!! TYPEE!!! TYPE THOSE ROPES!! Uhh.. wait never mind. Well thank you laddies and gentlemen!! Have a safe non stalker day!!!"

*Smiles brightly... waves... and walks away on cue*


Written by Katie W.

Katie: sorry, I had to tweek it up a bit. This is a G-rated blog. lol


Bad day.

There were a couple good parts, I do admit. Like squeezing in time for a shower and... um... well... yeah.

But tomorrow should be good.

I just know it.

I just bought Kelly Clarkson's new album. It's pretty good. Each song is different.

Go buy it.

Also, if you haven't already... buy the Jonas Brothers 3D Experience album. That's also good.

Love you guys...

Lizzi <3


xobeachboundox said...

if you stop blogging on this will you make a new one or stop blogging all together?

Anonymous said...

Nice speech Katie! and yeahh i have the same question as xobeachbondox...

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahhaaaaaaa....... lol katies sooo funny mrs sears would be yelling at her... =) that made me laugh, lizzi listen to her.

Lizzi said...

Maddy & Cathy- I will probably make a new one. Not sure though.