Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow day [again]

This morning:
--> turned off my alarm clock
--> got up and picked up the clothes off my floor
--> tried to see if it was snowing outside
--> got dressed
--> went downstairs
--> had my mom check if it was a snow day
--> took Twiggy out to do her business
--> came back in
--> found it was a snow day
--> got some breakfast
--> finished and went upstairs to change into sweats and a tank
--> got some orange juice

It's still morning, but you get the point. It's still snowing and there are probably about 4? 5? 6? 7? inches of snow.

To my California friends:
It's okay. Don't feel bad for yourself. It just adds another day in June. And you can always go to Tahoe!! :D

I really want this winter coat:

These are my top twelve shoes:
Tagged! - by Lizzi♥JB [Love is on its way] on

COOOMMMMMENNNNTTTT. I will make a v-log soon!



Anonymous said...

oooh cute jacket! && i like the shoe which says "THIS IS NOT A SHOE" lol

DeeDee said...

I REALLY like that coat, too. Where's it from?