Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quick as a drive-thru

This has to be quick or else I will run out of time to get my dance clothes on. ANYWAYY!

"Hot N Cold" Katy Perry

I finished homework abut fifteen minutes ago and now I am just hanging. Looking at some new blogs, chatting on AIM, etc.etc.etc. as the King from King and I would say ;)

I have this whole birthday list in front of me. I'll post some ideas for you guys laytah. You btter get me a prez! [x

Notice how I am writing all stutter-y is 'cause I ammm veryy exciting, so if you don't like how I am typing. It will stoppp..... NOW.

Here are some sundress finds.

Tell me what you think.

Dress 1: Urban Outfitters
Dress 2: Pac Sun
Dress 3: Pac Sun


Francesca said...

1 & 2 are my favorites!!

DeeDee said...

me too, but i especially love number one, although number two is more casual.

Madi said...

I'm definitely putting #1 in my shopping cart. JK

Anonymous said...

But my faves would be 2 and 3!

Lizzi said...

Thanks guys for commenting. Mean a lot ;)

I like all of them the same... but I think the first one is cool 'cause it can be dressed up OR down.

Cool, huh?