I have made a new blog. It's under construction... but, I am leaving JoiseyGal for good this time and devoting my time to my new blog.
Je t'aime,
Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful Moms out there!
Especially my mom! :)
I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while.
But, to recap what's been happening:
-truth or dare
63 Annoying Questions:
1. Song that always makes you sad?: "Because of You" Kelly Clarkson
2. Last thing you bought?: I haven't really bought anything in a while (with my own money at least). So I guess a skirt, romper, and loose sweatshirt thing in early April.
3. Last person you argued with?: My sister
4. Do you put Peanut Butter before putting the jelly on?: Yeah, sure...
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?: Cindy (a siamese kitten)
6. Did you ever own at one time a Nysnc Cd?: No, I'm not that old.
7. Favorite day of the week?: Friday!
8. Favorite Sundae topping?: Crushed Oreo or Whipped Cream
9. Did you take Piano lessons?: I did when I was in third grade. I quit because my fingers hurt.
10. Most frequent song played?: "Banana Pancakes" Jack Johnson
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?: Hannah Montana
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?: Basketball, all the way. Hockey includes giant sticks, a hard puck, ice, and big people. All those + me = nightmare
13. Date someone older or younger?: Depends on who it is and how much younger/older
14. One place you want to travel right now?: Milan, Italy
15. Do you use umbrellas?: Yes. I use my orange floral vintage umbrella every time it rains.
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?: I didn't even know there was a Canadian National Anthem.
17. Favorite Cheese?: Parmasean
18. Disturbed or My Chemical Romance?: Huh?
19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?: Depends on their face... lol
20. Best job you ever had?: eBay seller! WOOT WOOT
21. did you go to your high school prom?: No, haven't had it yet ):
22. perfect time to wake up?: 7:00 on weekends, 6 on school days
23. perfect time to go to bed?: 8:00
24. do you use your queen right away in chess? ..: I don't play chess.
25. Ever been in a car accident?: Fortunately, no.
26. closer to mom or dad...or neither?: I'm close to both.
27. what age is this exciting life over for you?: 184
28. what decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?: Either 1920s or 1950s
29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?: In 3rd grade, my orange and pink plaid Converse.
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in kindergarten?: Surprisingly, yes. I have my Easter dress and the outfit I wore on the first day.
31. Were you in track and field?: Never
32. Were you ever in a school talent show?: 4th grade
33. Have you ever written in a library book?: Heck no!
34. Allergic to?: pickles (at least, I wish I was)
35. Favorite fruit?: Strawberries
36. Have you watched sex and the city?: I wish! I want to see the clothes!
37. Baseball hat or toque?: Baseball hat
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?: Shampoo. Soap is last.
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?: Wet
40. Pen or pencil?: Pen, please
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino?: Uhhh, not that I know of
42. Have you thrown up on a plane?: I don't think so.
43. Have you thrown up in a car?: Many, many times.
44. Have you thrown up at work?: If you mean school, then yes.
45. Do you scream on roller coasters?: OOH YEAHH! but, i love them!
46. Who was your first crush?: Sammy M. Pre-K
47. Who was your first boyfriend?: Invisible Man?
48. What is your favorite food: Tortellini with pestoooo.
49. What was your first job?: helper at my brother's pre-school
50. What was your first car?: FisherPrice one. Totally Green, you use your feet to mocve around!
51. When did you go to your first funeral?: I haven't been to one.
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?: 3
53. Who was your first grade teacher?: Ms. Rojas
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?: Not really sure... the farthest I can remember was when we flew from Cali to Maine.
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?: I haven't snuck out of the house. Too scary!
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?: Kaitlin F.
57. Where was your first house?: In San Pedro, California
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: My Mom
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsme: Never :'( I really want to be a junior bridesmaid!!!!!!
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning?: Turn off my alarm
61. What was the first concert you attended?: My first REAL concert was my Jonas Brothers concert last summer.
62. First tattoo or piercing?: My ears! My seventh birthday
63. First celebrity crush?: Eric from The Little Mermaid, hahaa :)
Feel free to answer some of these questions yourself!
XX Lizzi
Especially my mom! :)
I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while.
But, to recap what's been happening:
-truth or dare
63 Annoying Questions:
1. Song that always makes you sad?: "Because of You" Kelly Clarkson
2. Last thing you bought?: I haven't really bought anything in a while (with my own money at least). So I guess a skirt, romper, and loose sweatshirt thing in early April.
3. Last person you argued with?: My sister
4. Do you put Peanut Butter before putting the jelly on?: Yeah, sure...
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid?: Cindy (a siamese kitten)
6. Did you ever own at one time a Nysnc Cd?: No, I'm not that old.
7. Favorite day of the week?: Friday!
8. Favorite Sundae topping?: Crushed Oreo or Whipped Cream
9. Did you take Piano lessons?: I did when I was in third grade. I quit because my fingers hurt.
10. Most frequent song played?: "Banana Pancakes" Jack Johnson
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy?: Hannah Montana
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey?: Basketball, all the way. Hockey includes giant sticks, a hard puck, ice, and big people. All those + me = nightmare
13. Date someone older or younger?: Depends on who it is and how much younger/older
14. One place you want to travel right now?: Milan, Italy
15. Do you use umbrellas?: Yes. I use my orange floral vintage umbrella every time it rains.
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem?: I didn't even know there was a Canadian National Anthem.
17. Favorite Cheese?: Parmasean
18. Disturbed or My Chemical Romance?: Huh?
19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes?: Depends on their face... lol
20. Best job you ever had?: eBay seller! WOOT WOOT
21. did you go to your high school prom?: No, haven't had it yet ):
22. perfect time to wake up?: 7:00 on weekends, 6 on school days
23. perfect time to go to bed?: 8:00
24. do you use your queen right away in chess? ..: I don't play chess.
25. Ever been in a car accident?: Fortunately, no.
26. closer to mom or dad...or neither?: I'm close to both.
27. what age is this exciting life over for you?: 184
28. what decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager?: Either 1920s or 1950s
29. Favorite shoes you have EVER owned?: In 3rd grade, my orange and pink plaid Converse.
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in kindergarten?: Surprisingly, yes. I have my Easter dress and the outfit I wore on the first day.
31. Were you in track and field?: Never
32. Were you ever in a school talent show?: 4th grade
33. Have you ever written in a library book?: Heck no!
34. Allergic to?: pickles (at least, I wish I was)
35. Favorite fruit?: Strawberries
36. Have you watched sex and the city?: I wish! I want to see the clothes!
37. Baseball hat or toque?: Baseball hat
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap?: Shampoo. Soap is last.
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste?: Wet
40. Pen or pencil?: Pen, please
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino?: Uhhh, not that I know of
42. Have you thrown up on a plane?: I don't think so.
43. Have you thrown up in a car?: Many, many times.
44. Have you thrown up at work?: If you mean school, then yes.
45. Do you scream on roller coasters?: OOH YEAHH! but, i love them!
46. Who was your first crush?: Sammy M. Pre-K
47. Who was your first boyfriend?: Invisible Man?
48. What is your favorite food: Tortellini with pestoooo.
49. What was your first job?: helper at my brother's pre-school
50. What was your first car?: FisherPrice one. Totally Green, you use your feet to mocve around!
51. When did you go to your first funeral?: I haven't been to one.
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?: 3
53. Who was your first grade teacher?: Ms. Rojas
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride?: Not really sure... the farthest I can remember was when we flew from Cali to Maine.
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?: I haven't snuck out of the house. Too scary!
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them?: Kaitlin F.
57. Where was your first house?: In San Pedro, California
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?: My Mom
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsme: Never :'( I really want to be a junior bridesmaid!!!!!!
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning?: Turn off my alarm
61. What was the first concert you attended?: My first REAL concert was my Jonas Brothers concert last summer.
62. First tattoo or piercing?: My ears! My seventh birthday
63. First celebrity crush?: Eric from The Little Mermaid, hahaa :)
Feel free to answer some of these questions yourself!
XX Lizzi
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Random Inspiration...
Fifi Lapin:
The most fashionable little bunny I've ever seen! Lives with her adorable dog Stella, kisses her romantic boyfriend Sonny Hare, and hangs out with her best friend, Ruby Gatta. To top it off, she has an amazing fashion sense. Visit her blog at fifi-lapin.blogspot.com OR buy her drawings/cards/photography at iheartfifilapin.com
Finger painting:
I've had this sudden inspiration to start... finger painting. Call me weird, but I still have a love for sticking my fingers in paint and slabbing it on paper. So, I sent my mom out to get some acrylic paint and canvas paper (NO paintbrushes). Once I get going on my new hobby, I'll take pictures of my paintings and share them with you all!
Bringing my designs to life:
I have this purse pattern that I've been meaning to start sewing. So, I'm going to get my butt down in the basement and start Once I get pretty good, I'll see if I can learn how to make my own patterns. But, I'll start off easy and start bringing my math grade back up to an A.
That's all for today, folks. :)
I have to get ready to go to my friend's house to watch the premier of JONAS!
The most fashionable little bunny I've ever seen! Lives with her adorable dog Stella, kisses her romantic boyfriend Sonny Hare, and hangs out with her best friend, Ruby Gatta. To top it off, she has an amazing fashion sense. Visit her blog at fifi-lapin.blogspot.com OR buy her drawings/cards/photography at iheartfifilapin.com
Finger painting:
I've had this sudden inspiration to start... finger painting. Call me weird, but I still have a love for sticking my fingers in paint and slabbing it on paper. So, I sent my mom out to get some acrylic paint and canvas paper (NO paintbrushes). Once I get going on my new hobby, I'll take pictures of my paintings and share them with you all!
Bringing my designs to life:
I have this purse pattern that I've been meaning to start sewing. So, I'm going to get my butt down in the basement and start Once I get pretty good, I'll see if I can learn how to make my own patterns. But, I'll start off easy and start bringing my math grade back up to an A.
That's all for today, folks. :)
I have to get ready to go to my friend's house to watch the premier of JONAS!
Friday, May 1, 2009
200th Post = Yours!
Here is a peek into the lives of my friends. (In order of when they commented)
Date Written: April 27th, 2009
Heyy! So...nothing is really happening in my life. I just ordered some stuff from ShopBop and Juicy Couture. I had an orthodontist appointment at 2:00 today...and...umm...I'm on Polyvore right now! [actressca11.blogspot.com]
Um I don't I don't really have an interesting life right now. I will be posting on my blog any minute now so just check it out to get the scoop. [diaryofafashionfreak.blogspot.com]
Heey! I posted on my blog and have been on Polyvore. My brother and Bob are watching some Da Vinci special on T.V. I have a science quiz I REALLY have to study for too. Math STAR testing is freaking me out as many of you know-I've complained enough! I started my new farewell phrase too. You'll see it at the end of the post. Today was fine. There are ghastly winds outside. I'm afraid a tree will fall over! I have 2 hrs of math tomorrow, aah! We have the block schedule for 3 WHOLE WEEKS!!! I have to go or my mom will start complaining soon. :-)
kiss kiss,
dara [poofalicious.blogspot.com]
Hey, It's me, Madi! Umm . . . right now I'm obsessed with listening to music. There are no important loves in my life or any tattoos I currently have. Wow, this is hard. Oh, I know I have a new best friend, well, friend . . . her name is Victoria. She's super awesome and should totally be the head cheerleader of her school's football team in high school. YAY Victuoria! Also, were doing STAR TESTyING right now, talk about tedious. Yup, oh and I'm going to save the world and become a billionaire by the time I'm 13. How, you ask? Well, in Current Events we had to invent something to help e-waste(unrecycled electronics) get recycled properly. That's my story. Soon I'll be able to put my Nobel Peace Price next to my huge collection of a total of 4 trophies. Pathetic, right? L8r G8r [sugpower.blogspot.com]
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Thanks, guys!
Date Written: April 27th, 2009
Heyy! So...nothing is really happening in my life. I just ordered some stuff from ShopBop and Juicy Couture. I had an orthodontist appointment at 2:00 today...and...umm...I'm on Polyvore right now! [actressca11.blogspot.com]
Um I don't I don't really have an interesting life right now. I will be posting on my blog any minute now so just check it out to get the scoop. [diaryofafashionfreak.blogspot.com]
Heey! I posted on my blog and have been on Polyvore. My brother and Bob are watching some Da Vinci special on T.V. I have a science quiz I REALLY have to study for too. Math STAR testing is freaking me out as many of you know-I've complained enough! I started my new farewell phrase too. You'll see it at the end of the post. Today was fine. There are ghastly winds outside. I'm afraid a tree will fall over! I have 2 hrs of math tomorrow, aah! We have the block schedule for 3 WHOLE WEEKS!!! I have to go or my mom will start complaining soon. :-)
kiss kiss,
dara [poofalicious.blogspot.com]
Hey, It's me, Madi! Umm . . . right now I'm obsessed with listening to music. There are no important loves in my life or any tattoos I currently have. Wow, this is hard. Oh, I know I have a new best friend, well, friend . . . her name is Victoria. She's super awesome and should totally be the head cheerleader of her school's football team in high school. YAY Victuoria! Also, were doing STAR TESTyING right now, talk about tedious. Yup, oh and I'm going to save the world and become a billionaire by the time I'm 13. How, you ask? Well, in Current Events we had to invent something to help e-waste(unrecycled electronics) get recycled properly. That's my story. Soon I'll be able to put my Nobel Peace Price next to my huge collection of a total of 4 trophies. Pathetic, right? L8r G8r [sugpower.blogspot.com]
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Thanks, guys!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Make "Just Keep Swimming" Your Blog, too!
I have nothing to write about because everything in my life is either WAY too personal or just plain boring.
So, YOU write! Make a brief summary of what's happening in YOUR life. Make it short and sweet!
It's pretty simple if you have five or ten spare minutes. Just comment below with your blog post and I will post it in my next post. You have three days to accomplish this!
-No cursing
-Nothing inappropriate
-Good grammar, punctuation, etc.
-Write well! Most of you are in my grade or older!
-No personal information
-Remember to say your name and (this is optional) your state
Have Fun! They will be posted ASAP in one big post!
So, YOU write! Make a brief summary of what's happening in YOUR life. Make it short and sweet!
It's pretty simple if you have five or ten spare minutes. Just comment below with your blog post and I will post it in my next post. You have three days to accomplish this!
-No cursing
-Nothing inappropriate
-Good grammar, punctuation, etc.
-Write well! Most of you are in my grade or older!
-No personal information
-Remember to say your name and (this is optional) your state
Have Fun! They will be posted ASAP in one big post!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Bar Mitzvah Outfit
I have a bar Mitzvah coming up and I'm so excited about my outfit!
I hope you are too ;)

Forever 21 $24.80

H&M Around $26.00

Target $17.99

Modcloth $29.99
I am also wearing some pearls bought at Bloomingdale's in the 1980s. Is that counted as vintage?
I hope you are too ;)

Forever 21 $24.80

H&M Around $26.00

Target $17.99

Modcloth $29.99
I am also wearing some pearls bought at Bloomingdale's in the 1980s. Is that counted as vintage?
Monday, April 20, 2009
I found this.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Don't worry- I'm still alive!
Sorry I haven't posted. I haven't been in the mood at all.
I'm really grumpy lately.
-School started again.
-Things happening at school.
-My friends are doing something I don't want them to do (long story... you don't have time).
-I dropped my new cell in the toilet and it doesn't work.
I don't even want to go to dance this morning. Maybe I'm sick. I don't know.
The only good news in my life right now is...
-We bought plane tickets to Paris & Italy this summer!
-I'm going to our school play (HSM) tonight with my friends.
Even though I always think the cup is half full, I'm a really negative person these days.
I don't know if it's Twiggy's death or school is back or I'm really sick.
There is something, I know it. And it is making everything bad or worse.
I'm not sure what to wear tonight.
My new grey jumpsuit with my black blazer?
My purple maxi-dress with my gold sandals?
My pin-striped shorts with my red-orange tank with my black cardigan?
Any other ideas?
Thanks for waiting for me to post.
Comment & make me feel a little better. :)
P.S. Pretty and fun toenails!

Read if you don't get it.
Sorry I haven't posted. I haven't been in the mood at all.
I'm really grumpy lately.
-School started again.
-Things happening at school.
-My friends are doing something I don't want them to do (long story... you don't have time).
-I dropped my new cell in the toilet and it doesn't work.
I don't even want to go to dance this morning. Maybe I'm sick. I don't know.
The only good news in my life right now is...
-We bought plane tickets to Paris & Italy this summer!
-I'm going to our school play (HSM) tonight with my friends.
Even though I always think the cup is half full, I'm a really negative person these days.
I don't know if it's Twiggy's death or school is back or I'm really sick.
There is something, I know it. And it is making everything bad or worse.
I'm not sure what to wear tonight.
My new grey jumpsuit with my black blazer?
My purple maxi-dress with my gold sandals?
My pin-striped shorts with my red-orange tank with my black cardigan?
Any other ideas?
Thanks for waiting for me to post.
Comment & make me feel a little better. :)
P.S. Pretty and fun toenails!

Read if you don't get it.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
In Memory of Twiggy
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tweet tweet!
o k a y . . .
No one commented on my last post :(
You guys are soo good at it, and I didn't find any.
So, comment & tell me something you'd like to see on my blog! Thanks!!!
On my awesome, super-cool sidebar I added my Twitter page thing. If you guys end up making a Twitter, tell me! I'd love to follow you! Or if you want a bit of publicity, tell me and I'll post it on my sidebar (the awesome, super-cool one).
Also, I'm starting up my monthly obsessions again (AWESOME, SUPER-COOL SIDEBAR!).
Je t'aime
No one commented on my last post :(
You guys are soo good at it, and I didn't find any.
So, comment & tell me something you'd like to see on my blog! Thanks!!!
On my awesome, super-cool sidebar I added my Twitter page thing. If you guys end up making a Twitter, tell me! I'd love to follow you! Or if you want a bit of publicity, tell me and I'll post it on my sidebar (the awesome, super-cool one).
Also, I'm starting up my monthly obsessions again (AWESOME, SUPER-COOL SIDEBAR!).
Je t'aime
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Yet another survey <3
What's your favorite color gummy bear?
Red. Yummyy & gummy.
What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body?
OMG! lol, not answering that... alright, fine... I guess eyes or smile. :)
Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
Nah, I can't song-write for my life.
Ever had a song sang about/for you?
Kind of. There is this song called "Father & Son" or something and my dad changed it to "Father & Daughter" and sang it to me.
Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
Do you know how to dance?
Heck yeah! It's the only sport I'm fairly good at.
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?
What is your favorite thing that is green?
That's hard. I kinda like trees because they are a necessity in life. But, I also like Super Food Odwalla Smoothie..
What did your last text message say?
"im leavin now talk to ya in a week"
Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs?
Boxers or boxer briefs... I guess. I don't really care.
What is your middle name?
What do you smell like?
Probably like my pomegranate body wash.
What's in your pocket?
My cell phone.
Anything in your mouth?
My tongue.
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
Hhahaa!! Yeah! My brother was playing that WiiPlay fishing game and he pulled the Wii-mote back to fast and it smacked me in the head!!!
Do you have freckles?
How many languages can you say "Hello" in?
5. English, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Hawaiian.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
He's Just Not That Into You
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
Yep.. it was funnnn.
Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
Ew no!
Name a song that you know all the words to:
"I'm Yours" Jason Mraz
"That's Just The Way We Roll" Jonas Brothers
Are you in love with someone right now?
Love? No. Maybe in a couple of years.
What's the last thing you watched on TV?
I forget... either American Idol or What Women Want (movie)
What's the last video game you played?
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
My daddy is Tim and he does some thing that I have no idea what it means.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
I can do the letter A and Z
Do you have an unkle named Joe?
Hhaha! Nope!
What word do you use when people pass gas?
Do you wear glasses?
Nope.. only sunglasses 8)
What can you hear right now?
My mom talking on the phone and some Baby Bottle Pop commercial with The Clique Girlz
Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
Ever been overseas?
Sadly, no.
What are your plans for today?
Eat, Breath, Sleep.
How long have you had MySpace?
Since never.
What was your favorite childhood show?
Oh gosh, probably Rollie Pollie Ollie or Stanley.
I also liked Blues Clues, though.
Are you close to your siblings?
I guess, sure.
What was your first job?
eBay seller!!
Do you bite your nails?
Ugh, I used to!!
Do you like your feet?
Not really.
Do you sleep well at night?
Well, that was interesting! Hahaha. This morning, I was busy helping Francesca with dresses for the upcoming bar mitzvah we are attending. ;)
Red. Yummyy & gummy.
What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body?
OMG! lol, not answering that... alright, fine... I guess eyes or smile. :)
Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
Nah, I can't song-write for my life.
Ever had a song sang about/for you?
Kind of. There is this song called "Father & Son" or something and my dad changed it to "Father & Daughter" and sang it to me.
Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
Do you know how to dance?
Heck yeah! It's the only sport I'm fairly good at.
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?
What is your favorite thing that is green?
That's hard. I kinda like trees because they are a necessity in life. But, I also like Super Food Odwalla Smoothie..
What did your last text message say?
"im leavin now talk to ya in a week"
Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs?
Boxers or boxer briefs... I guess. I don't really care.
What is your middle name?
What do you smell like?
Probably like my pomegranate body wash.
What's in your pocket?
My cell phone.
Anything in your mouth?
My tongue.
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
Hhahaa!! Yeah! My brother was playing that WiiPlay fishing game and he pulled the Wii-mote back to fast and it smacked me in the head!!!
Do you have freckles?
How many languages can you say "Hello" in?
5. English, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Hawaiian.
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
He's Just Not That Into You
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
Yep.. it was funnnn.
Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
Ew no!
Name a song that you know all the words to:
"I'm Yours" Jason Mraz
"That's Just The Way We Roll" Jonas Brothers
Are you in love with someone right now?
Love? No. Maybe in a couple of years.
What's the last thing you watched on TV?
I forget... either American Idol or What Women Want (movie)
What's the last video game you played?
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
My daddy is Tim and he does some thing that I have no idea what it means.
Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
I can do the letter A and Z
Do you have an unkle named Joe?
Hhaha! Nope!
What word do you use when people pass gas?
Do you wear glasses?
Nope.. only sunglasses 8)
What can you hear right now?
My mom talking on the phone and some Baby Bottle Pop commercial with The Clique Girlz
Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
Ever been overseas?
Sadly, no.
What are your plans for today?
Eat, Breath, Sleep.
How long have you had MySpace?
Since never.
What was your favorite childhood show?
Oh gosh, probably Rollie Pollie Ollie or Stanley.
I also liked Blues Clues, though.
Are you close to your siblings?
I guess, sure.
What was your first job?
eBay seller!!
Do you bite your nails?
Ugh, I used to!!
Do you like your feet?
Not really.
Do you sleep well at night?
Well, that was interesting! Hahaha. This morning, I was busy helping Francesca with dresses for the upcoming bar mitzvah we are attending. ;)
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Spring Break!
Finally, the week I've been looking forward to... is here!
On AIM, everyone had countdowns and then finally everyone got to say "ZERO days until SPRING BREAK!" lol :)
What am I doing for Spring Break?
I'll be home, but I want to try and get myself off this computer and maybe play some tennis or practice my guitar. I also need to practice my recital dances, soccer, and throwing balls (long story).
And on Thursday (?) I will be shopping at the King of Prussia mall. Yay x 12734927439920
I also am convincing my mom to let me get a pedi & mani. My toesies need some color:

Ew, my left foot looks like it has a ton of fat on the side!! (it doesn't, it's because I was pressing it against the coffee table)
I got a new cell phone!
Well, it's a KRZR still... but in white. I had to get the same one because of this whole 2 year contract thing. And my dad didn't want to pay $400 for an enV2.
Oh well, I'm not gonna die.
Like Francesca said, be thankful for what you have.
Believe me, I am... but I love socializing after school.
I guess I survived 9 1/2 years without one before...
Comment & tell me what you're doing for Spring Break (or what you did) !
On AIM, everyone had countdowns and then finally everyone got to say "ZERO days until SPRING BREAK!" lol :)
What am I doing for Spring Break?
I'll be home, but I want to try and get myself off this computer and maybe play some tennis or practice my guitar. I also need to practice my recital dances, soccer, and throwing balls (long story).
And on Thursday (?) I will be shopping at the King of Prussia mall. Yay x 12734927439920
I also am convincing my mom to let me get a pedi & mani. My toesies need some color:

Ew, my left foot looks like it has a ton of fat on the side!! (it doesn't, it's because I was pressing it against the coffee table)
I got a new cell phone!
Well, it's a KRZR still... but in white. I had to get the same one because of this whole 2 year contract thing. And my dad didn't want to pay $400 for an enV2.
Oh well, I'm not gonna die.
Like Francesca said, be thankful for what you have.
Believe me, I am... but I love socializing after school.
I guess I survived 9 1/2 years without one before...
Comment & tell me what you're doing for Spring Break (or what you did) !
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Major Dilemma!
I'm going crazy!
My cell phone is gone!
*takes deep breath*
No, I'm not grounded.
No, I didn't loose it (in fact, it is sitting there in front of me)
No, I didn't give it up for Lent (too hard, I'm already dying after not even a day)
No, the battery isn't dead.
IT'S BROKEN! AHHHHH! It died. Rest in Peace, little Krzr.
*breaks down in tears*
Sob, sob.
Sure, my mom can get me a new one... but she has to "discuss" it with dad who doesn't come home until late tonight so we can't "discuss it until tomorrow and that means no texting for who knows how long depending on what they decide and my head is going to blow and that cell phone sitting in front of me slowly dying from its retarted-ness and taunting me to text back all the texts I got in the past day and this is turning into a run-on sentence, actually no, scratch that... it was one, like, 25 words ago.
As you can see I am having a panic attack, so comment and make me feel better before they have to dig up a hole for my dead body right next to Mr. Krzr.
I'm going crazy!
My cell phone is gone!
*takes deep breath*
No, I'm not grounded.
No, I didn't loose it (in fact, it is sitting there in front of me)
No, I didn't give it up for Lent (too hard, I'm already dying after not even a day)
No, the battery isn't dead.
IT'S BROKEN! AHHHHH! It died. Rest in Peace, little Krzr.
*breaks down in tears*
Sob, sob.
Sure, my mom can get me a new one... but she has to "discuss" it with dad who doesn't come home until late tonight so we can't "discuss it until tomorrow and that means no texting for who knows how long depending on what they decide and my head is going to blow and that cell phone sitting in front of me slowly dying from its retarted-ness and taunting me to text back all the texts I got in the past day and this is turning into a run-on sentence, actually no, scratch that... it was one, like, 25 words ago.
As you can see I am having a panic attack, so comment and make me feel better before they have to dig up a hole for my dead body right next to Mr. Krzr.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Happy Birthday To Moi!
This year isn't the most amazing.
I decided not to have a party.
And school was kinda suckish.
But, I'm waiting for a special gift from somebody... but I don't know if that's going to happen.
I haven't opened my parents gift yet, but so far I have gotten:
From my brother- Gary The Snail (Think Spongebob) plush toy
From Aisha- a pink American Eagle tank
From Grandma Shirley- $50
From Grandma Georgea and Grandpa Bill- $25
From Aunt Susan, Uncle Al, Matt, Dominic, Luke & Peter- Target Gift Card ($15)
I brought in cookies for my homeroom. Before that they sang to me. Ugh, that's the worst part about birthdays.
AND! My sis let me pick out her outfit!
I never get to do it because she hates to be all dressed up & stuff. Her average outfit is a t-shirt, sweater, jeans, and sneakers.
Give me a B, an O, and a RING! (sorry, I didn't want to do the rest)
In Social Studies we did a skit on how Athens (in Ancient Greece) got its name and I had to arm wrestle with one of my worst enemies. It sucked.
This year isn't the most amazing.
I decided not to have a party.
And school was kinda suckish.
But, I'm waiting for a special gift from somebody... but I don't know if that's going to happen.
I haven't opened my parents gift yet, but so far I have gotten:
From my brother- Gary The Snail (Think Spongebob) plush toy
From Aisha- a pink American Eagle tank
From Grandma Shirley- $50
From Grandma Georgea and Grandpa Bill- $25
From Aunt Susan, Uncle Al, Matt, Dominic, Luke & Peter- Target Gift Card ($15)
I brought in cookies for my homeroom. Before that they sang to me. Ugh, that's the worst part about birthdays.
AND! My sis let me pick out her outfit!
I never get to do it because she hates to be all dressed up & stuff. Her average outfit is a t-shirt, sweater, jeans, and sneakers.
Give me a B, an O, and a RING! (sorry, I didn't want to do the rest)
In Social Studies we did a skit on how Athens (in Ancient Greece) got its name and I had to arm wrestle with one of my worst enemies. It sucked.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I know I am such a pain in the butt.
I keep messing things up.
From now on, I will make sure I am going to do something when I say I will.
I don't know if that's why you guys aren't commenting, sooo, yeah.
But, if you happen to read this, please tell your friends that read this: "Lizzi did not change her blog link!"
Thanks guys. You're amazing. Remember that.
You can call me dumb and idiotic.
Here, stay entertained:
Spell your name with songs.
L- "Love is on its way" The Jonas Brothers
I- "Imagine" John Lennon
Z- "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" Disney
Z- "Zero" Smashing Pumpkins
– Name: Elizabeth
– Birth date: March 27th
– Nickname: Lizzi
– Eye Color: Green
– Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
– Zodiac Sign: Aries
–The shoes you wore today: Tan ballet flats from Nordstrom
–Your weaknesses: Oh, goodness. Where to start!
– Your fear(s): Bugs, blood, horror movies, humiliation
– Goal you’d like to achieve: Good grades, graduate college, become successful, die a harmless death.
– Your best physical feature: My eyes.
– Your bedtime: 9:00pm.
– Most missed memory: Being careless.
This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke: No soda for me. Yuck!
– McDonald’s or Burger King: Neither. I don't do fast food.
– Adidas or Nike: Uhm, Adidas?
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton. But, Snapple is better.
– Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
– Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
Do You…
– Sing: Yes (JACK!)
– Dance: Definitely. Ballet & Jazz & Lyrical are my thang.
– Take a shower: No duh!
– Have a crush: :)
– Do you think you’ve been in love: No, too young. Being in love is nonsense when you are my age.
– Want to go to college: Yes. My list of college choices consists of: Princeton, NYU, Yale, UCLA.
– Like high school: Not there, yet.
– Want to get married: Yes.
– Get motion sickness: Sadly.
– Think you’re attractive: Hmm, not really. I guess sometimes, it depends how much sleep I get, usually.
– Think you’re a health freak: No.
– Get along with your parents: Yes.
In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Yes.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: My brother has. But, to me Oreos are nasty.
– Eaten Sushi: I wish.
– Been on stage: Ask me in May.
– Gone skating: Last month.
– Made homemade cookies: I forget...was that this month, or last month?
– Age you hope to be married: After college, before 35.
– Numbers of Children: At least one. But, two preferably.
– Describe your Dream Wedding: Springtime in San Francisco.
– What country would you most like to visit? F-R-A-N-C-E.
In the opposite gender…
– Best eye color? Any.
– Best hair color? Dirty blonde or brown.
– Short hair or long hair? Depends on his facial features.
– Height: Medium, taller than me.
– Number of CDs that I own: You can count for me.
– Number of tattoos: None. Let's keep it that way.
– Number of piercing(s): Two. One in each ear.
Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? Friends & Family.
What woke you up this morning? Myself. My stupid alarm clock didn't do its job.
Where are you? The living room.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Heaven knows...
Do you like anybody? Sure :)
Ever thrown up in public? Don't remind me.
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? Hoe stupid the commercials are on Cartoon Network.
What kind of home would you like? A good-sized one. Pretty modern. No more colonials please.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I have no idea.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Enjoying high school.
Do you like candy necklaces? If they are sour XD
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? I fall over every day.
Do you listen to music every day? Yes.
Do you still go trick or treating? Yes.
What was the last thing you ate? A bad apple.
Do you type fast? Oooh yeah.
What’s your favorite type of soda? None.
Have you ever moved? I think five times?
Have you ever won an award? Yes.
Are you listening to music right now? Jack Johnson.
How long ’till your birthday? TWO DAYS!
When were you the saddest in your whole life? I have no idea. There are so many times, its mind-boggling.
Do you use EBay to buy or sell? It's my "job".
Who makes you mad? A lot of people.
Have you ever heard a song written about you? Kind of. My dad changed up a song so it was about me. Does that count?
Something you want to happen in 2009? I just am playing that Barack does a good job.
Summer 2008? Boring. Bad summer. Except, August was kind of fun.
Honestly, do you miss 2007? Sometimes. It was a weird year for me.
1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? Pink & white.
2. Honestly, what’s on your mind? Where is my dinner?
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Filling out this survey.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Yes. I didn't study for my science quiz. (CASSIDY!)
8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom, I think.
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? No.
10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Homework.
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? No.
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? People thought I did last year, but no.
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Yes.
14. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? Not really.
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? Yes.
17. Honestly, are you in denial? No!!
18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? No.
19. Honestly, do you like anyone? Yes.
20. Honestly, does anyone like you? I hope so.
1. What do you do when you’re mad? Cry.
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Doubt myself and told my parents I hated them.
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes.
1. When was the last time you actually cried? Monday. I'm very emotional.
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
3. Do certain songs make you cry? Yes.
4. What usually makes you cry? Life.
1. Are you usually a happy person? Yes, normally.
2. What makes you the happiest? My parents. And shopping.
4. Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes.
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? Oui! It's one of the best things.
Survey from elizabethsaysrelax.blogspot.com
I keep messing things up.
From now on, I will make sure I am going to do something when I say I will.
I don't know if that's why you guys aren't commenting, sooo, yeah.
But, if you happen to read this, please tell your friends that read this: "Lizzi did not change her blog link!"
Thanks guys. You're amazing. Remember that.
You can call me dumb and idiotic.
Here, stay entertained:
Spell your name with songs.
L- "Love is on its way" The Jonas Brothers
I- "Imagine" John Lennon
Z- "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" Disney
Z- "Zero" Smashing Pumpkins
– Name: Elizabeth
– Birth date: March 27th
– Nickname: Lizzi
– Eye Color: Green
– Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
– Zodiac Sign: Aries
–The shoes you wore today: Tan ballet flats from Nordstrom
–Your weaknesses: Oh, goodness. Where to start!
– Your fear(s): Bugs, blood, horror movies, humiliation
– Goal you’d like to achieve: Good grades, graduate college, become successful, die a harmless death.
– Your best physical feature: My eyes.
– Your bedtime: 9:00pm.
– Most missed memory: Being careless.
This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke: No soda for me. Yuck!
– McDonald’s or Burger King: Neither. I don't do fast food.
– Adidas or Nike: Uhm, Adidas?
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton. But, Snapple is better.
– Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
– Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino.
Do You…
– Sing: Yes (JACK!)
– Dance: Definitely. Ballet & Jazz & Lyrical are my thang.
– Take a shower: No duh!
– Have a crush: :)
– Do you think you’ve been in love: No, too young. Being in love is nonsense when you are my age.
– Want to go to college: Yes. My list of college choices consists of: Princeton, NYU, Yale, UCLA.
– Like high school: Not there, yet.
– Want to get married: Yes.
– Get motion sickness: Sadly.
– Think you’re attractive: Hmm, not really. I guess sometimes, it depends how much sleep I get, usually.
– Think you’re a health freak: No.
– Get along with your parents: Yes.
In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: Yes.
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: My brother has. But, to me Oreos are nasty.
– Eaten Sushi: I wish.
– Been on stage: Ask me in May.
– Gone skating: Last month.
– Made homemade cookies: I forget...was that this month, or last month?
– Age you hope to be married: After college, before 35.
– Numbers of Children: At least one. But, two preferably.
– Describe your Dream Wedding: Springtime in San Francisco.
– What country would you most like to visit? F-R-A-N-C-E.
In the opposite gender…
– Best eye color? Any.
– Best hair color? Dirty blonde or brown.
– Short hair or long hair? Depends on his facial features.
– Height: Medium, taller than me.
– Number of CDs that I own: You can count for me.
– Number of tattoos: None. Let's keep it that way.
– Number of piercing(s): Two. One in each ear.
Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday? Friends & Family.
What woke you up this morning? Myself. My stupid alarm clock didn't do its job.
Where are you? The living room.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Heaven knows...
Do you like anybody? Sure :)
Ever thrown up in public? Don't remind me.
What’s on your mind RIGHT NOW? Hoe stupid the commercials are on Cartoon Network.
What kind of home would you like? A good-sized one. Pretty modern. No more colonials please.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I have no idea.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Enjoying high school.
Do you like candy necklaces? If they are sour XD
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something? I fall over every day.
Do you listen to music every day? Yes.
Do you still go trick or treating? Yes.
What was the last thing you ate? A bad apple.
Do you type fast? Oooh yeah.
What’s your favorite type of soda? None.
Have you ever moved? I think five times?
Have you ever won an award? Yes.
Are you listening to music right now? Jack Johnson.
How long ’till your birthday? TWO DAYS!
When were you the saddest in your whole life? I have no idea. There are so many times, its mind-boggling.
Do you use EBay to buy or sell? It's my "job".
Who makes you mad? A lot of people.
Have you ever heard a song written about you? Kind of. My dad changed up a song so it was about me. Does that count?
Something you want to happen in 2009? I just am playing that Barack does a good job.
Summer 2008? Boring. Bad summer. Except, August was kind of fun.
Honestly, do you miss 2007? Sometimes. It was a weird year for me.
1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? Pink & white.
2. Honestly, what’s on your mind? Where is my dinner?
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Filling out this survey.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? Yes. I didn't study for my science quiz. (CASSIDY!)
8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom, I think.
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? No.
10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time? Homework.
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails? No.
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? People thought I did last year, but no.
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment? Yes.
14. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret now? Not really.
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like? Yes.
17. Honestly, are you in denial? No!!
18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat? No.
19. Honestly, do you like anyone? Yes.
20. Honestly, does anyone like you? I hope so.
1. What do you do when you’re mad? Cry.
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad? Doubt myself and told my parents I hated them.
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? Yes.
1. When was the last time you actually cried? Monday. I'm very emotional.
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
3. Do certain songs make you cry? Yes.
4. What usually makes you cry? Life.
1. Are you usually a happy person? Yes, normally.
2. What makes you the happiest? My parents. And shopping.
4. Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes.
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy? Oui! It's one of the best things.
Survey from elizabethsaysrelax.blogspot.com
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy Birthday...
MRS. BROWN! (on Thursday)
I totally forgot.
The Birthday shout-out list has been revised.
Luv ya!
I totally forgot.
The Birthday shout-out list has been revised.
Luv ya!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lovers in Japan
For more, check out streetpeeper.com
This is exactly why I want to visit Japan.
They always have the best trends & style.
Some trends spotted:
--> Harem Pants. Take a look at picture #5
--> Hints of menswear (blazers, for example). Take a look at picture #3
--> Prints. Take a look at picture #4 and #6
--> Graphics. Take a look at picture #1 and #2.
--> Sandals. Take a look at picture #4.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Tonight at around 5pm-7pm EST, THE LINK IS CHANGED!
See my last post or the sidebar for more info.
XOX. Lizzi
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Your sickening.
Almost everyone at school is sick (not kidding). It absolutely sucks because I have to bring a Kleenex box with me around the whole house.
But, I guess I'm bot terribly sick because I just had a bowl of Top Ramen and I'm still terribly hungry. Lucky me, I have a fast metabolism, so I can eat almost anything I want and not get fat.
Let's not get into that.
I have a couple of "Happy Birthday" Shout-outs before I forget:
March 17th: UNCLE MIKE!
March 19th: MRS. TUCKER!
Mrach 26th: MRS. BROWN!
And guess what...?
I am so bored that I am actually IMing my sister who is less than 20 feet away from me.

Pathetic, right?
tomorrow, my link will be changed to...
If that doesn't work try:
XOX. Lizzi
But, I guess I'm bot terribly sick because I just had a bowl of Top Ramen and I'm still terribly hungry. Lucky me, I have a fast metabolism, so I can eat almost anything I want and not get fat.
Let's not get into that.
I have a couple of "Happy Birthday" Shout-outs before I forget:
March 17th: UNCLE MIKE!
March 19th: MRS. TUCKER!
Mrach 26th: MRS. BROWN!
And guess what...?
I am so bored that I am actually IMing my sister who is less than 20 feet away from me.

Pathetic, right?
tomorrow, my link will be changed to...
If that doesn't work try:
XOX. Lizzi
Monday, March 16, 2009
Luck of the Irish?
Hopefully I have better luck tomorrow.
--> Someone dissed my outfit.
--> Someone spilled my lemonade all over my jeans.
--> When I went to get napkins, I slipped and fell on my butt.
--> The janitor started scolding me for not telling him there was a mess under the lunch table.
--> Someone wouldn't throw away his chips, so we were dismissed last.
--> Bad cramp.
--> When I got off the bus, my school bag strap got stuck onto the seat belt, so it took me 5 minutes to get it off and everyone was staring.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Bad day.
Bad luck.
Triple B.
Comment and make my day better.
--> Someone dissed my outfit.
--> Someone spilled my lemonade all over my jeans.
--> When I went to get napkins, I slipped and fell on my butt.
--> The janitor started scolding me for not telling him there was a mess under the lunch table.
--> Someone wouldn't throw away his chips, so we were dismissed last.
--> Bad cramp.
--> When I got off the bus, my school bag strap got stuck onto the seat belt, so it took me 5 minutes to get it off and everyone was staring.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Bad day.
Bad luck.
Triple B.
Comment and make my day better.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Top 5.
TOP 5.
1. "Love Is On Its Way" The Jonas Brothers
2. "I Want Candy" Bow Wow Wow
3. "I'm Yours" Jason Mraz
4. "My Life Would Suck Without You" Kelly Clarkson
5. "You Belong With Me" Taylor Swift
1. "Devil Wears Prada"
2. "Across The Universe"
3. "Confessions of a Shopaholic"
4. "Clueless"
5. "She's The Man"
1. Jonas Brothers (does that count as three?)
2. Emma Watson
3. Chanel Iman
4. Agyness Deyn
5. Zooey Deschanel
1. King of Prussia
2. Fashion Island
3. Churchstreet Market Place
4. Franklin Mills
5. South Coast Plaza
-Things to do in free time
1. Polyvore
2. Text Message
3. Twitter
4. Read Magazines
5. Draw/Write
1. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -Dr. Suess
2. "Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top." Kevin Jonas (dad of Jonas Brothers)
3. "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Suess
4. "Just keep swimming!" Dori from Finding Nemo
5. "I wonder sometimes, if we ever give God a headache?" Dontay Hall
This took me fourty five minutes to write. Whewww!
New blog layout.
XOX. Lizzi
1. "Love Is On Its Way" The Jonas Brothers
2. "I Want Candy" Bow Wow Wow
3. "I'm Yours" Jason Mraz
4. "My Life Would Suck Without You" Kelly Clarkson
5. "You Belong With Me" Taylor Swift
1. "Devil Wears Prada"
2. "Across The Universe"
3. "Confessions of a Shopaholic"
4. "Clueless"
5. "She's The Man"
1. Jonas Brothers (does that count as three?)
2. Emma Watson
3. Chanel Iman
4. Agyness Deyn
5. Zooey Deschanel
1. King of Prussia
2. Fashion Island
3. Churchstreet Market Place
4. Franklin Mills
5. South Coast Plaza
-Things to do in free time
1. Polyvore
2. Text Message
3. Twitter
4. Read Magazines
5. Draw/Write
1. "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -Dr. Suess
2. "Live like you're at the bottom, even if you're at the top." Kevin Jonas (dad of Jonas Brothers)
3. "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Suess
4. "Just keep swimming!" Dori from Finding Nemo
5. "I wonder sometimes, if we ever give God a headache?" Dontay Hall
This took me fourty five minutes to write. Whewww!
New blog layout.
XOX. Lizzi
Friday, March 13, 2009
Is it just me... or do we look related?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Speech.
*walks up to mic, straights spine, and looks at the addience*
"Uhem. Is this thing on? Yes? Okay, good.
My fellow citizens, as you know a girl named Lizzi has her own blog called josieygal.blogsport.com... or spot... or something. Whatever, samething. Anyways, me, being a hue-mongo fan, read it once in a while. I know, I know, I dont leave comments but hey you coant help it when your computer turns weird on you!! If you read it consistontly, you already know that she is planning on quiting her blog... or at least stop blogging as much. Now, I dont know you... but I know I am a stalker and like to find out what is happening in other peoples lives. Hahaha. Just kidding. Really, I was. Guys, just kidding."
*Gets stopped short cause a girl in the back starts to laugh at me instead of with me*
"Hey you! Brat! Stop that laughing or I'll beat the shitters outta you!!"
*Girl stops laughing and turns bright red*
*Smiles before continuing*
"Thank you. Okay, even though none of us our stalkers and want to spy on people and screw there life up... we DO have an intreast in reading Lizzis writing. Why you may ask? Well just cause. She is an excellent wrinter. And if my language arts teacher were here she'd say.. "KATIE! TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF OF THAT DESK! COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU YAWN!!" and after that... "Use proper writing vocabulry.Then, having but no choice whatsoever... giving the writing vocab words... LIKE... Lizzi Persuades you innto her thoughts. She makes strong hooks that make the reader want to read on. And even during the middle of one post, she makes you read on cause of the interesting thing she does just to make you stay awake and keep reading on. Oh, and Mrs. Sears if your out there in this adience... I bet your proud of me right this second! *Flashes a big smile, then continues* And that is why Lizzi, why everyone adores and yerns for your blog. I bet there are plenty of ofther many reasons why people enjoy your posts... and just cause their stalkers. Byt really Lizzi? If you ask me DONT STOP YOU R BLOG AND KEEP POSTING. Like this very second!!! GO! RUNN!!! CLIMB THOSE ROPES! Just dont fall and brake your neck and end up getting that neck brace you image you will be getting. Wait delete that. That didnt sound encouraging. Ehum.. well... ohh i got it! GO!! TYPEE!!! TYPE THOSE ROPES!! Uhh.. wait never mind. Well thank you laddies and gentlemen!! Have a safe non stalker day!!!"
*Smiles brightly... waves... and walks away on cue*
Written by Katie W.
Katie: sorry, I had to tweek it up a bit. This is a G-rated blog. lol
Bad day.
There were a couple good parts, I do admit. Like squeezing in time for a shower and... um... well... yeah.
But tomorrow should be good.
I just know it.
I just bought Kelly Clarkson's new album. It's pretty good. Each song is different.
Go buy it.
Also, if you haven't already... buy the Jonas Brothers 3D Experience album. That's also good.
Love you guys...
Lizzi <3
"Uhem. Is this thing on? Yes? Okay, good.
My fellow citizens, as you know a girl named Lizzi has her own blog called josieygal.blogsport.com... or spot... or something. Whatever, samething. Anyways, me, being a hue-mongo fan, read it once in a while. I know, I know, I dont leave comments but hey you coant help it when your computer turns weird on you!! If you read it consistontly, you already know that she is planning on quiting her blog... or at least stop blogging as much. Now, I dont know you... but I know I am a stalker and like to find out what is happening in other peoples lives. Hahaha. Just kidding. Really, I was. Guys, just kidding."
*Gets stopped short cause a girl in the back starts to laugh at me instead of with me*
"Hey you! Brat! Stop that laughing or I'll beat the shitters outta you!!"
*Girl stops laughing and turns bright red*
*Smiles before continuing*
"Thank you. Okay, even though none of us our stalkers and want to spy on people and screw there life up... we DO have an intreast in reading Lizzis writing. Why you may ask? Well just cause. She is an excellent wrinter. And if my language arts teacher were here she'd say.. "KATIE! TAKE YOUR HEAD OFF OF THAT DESK! COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU YAWN!!" and after that... "Use proper writing vocabulry.Then, having but no choice whatsoever... giving the writing vocab words... LIKE... Lizzi Persuades you innto her thoughts. She makes strong hooks that make the reader want to read on. And even during the middle of one post, she makes you read on cause of the interesting thing she does just to make you stay awake and keep reading on. Oh, and Mrs. Sears if your out there in this adience... I bet your proud of me right this second! *Flashes a big smile, then continues* And that is why Lizzi, why everyone adores and yerns for your blog. I bet there are plenty of ofther many reasons why people enjoy your posts... and just cause their stalkers. Byt really Lizzi? If you ask me DONT STOP YOU R BLOG AND KEEP POSTING. Like this very second!!! GO! RUNN!!! CLIMB THOSE ROPES! Just dont fall and brake your neck and end up getting that neck brace you image you will be getting. Wait delete that. That didnt sound encouraging. Ehum.. well... ohh i got it! GO!! TYPEE!!! TYPE THOSE ROPES!! Uhh.. wait never mind. Well thank you laddies and gentlemen!! Have a safe non stalker day!!!"
*Smiles brightly... waves... and walks away on cue*
Written by Katie W.
Katie: sorry, I had to tweek it up a bit. This is a G-rated blog. lol
Bad day.
There were a couple good parts, I do admit. Like squeezing in time for a shower and... um... well... yeah.
But tomorrow should be good.
I just know it.
I just bought Kelly Clarkson's new album. It's pretty good. Each song is different.
Go buy it.
Also, if you haven't already... buy the Jonas Brothers 3D Experience album. That's also good.
Love you guys...
Lizzi <3
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I will keep blogging.
But, it'll be different, okay?
If you'd like to know what I'm doing please visit my Twitter account: LizziShopaholic.
Must go. I have dance lessons.
P.S. As you can see, I change my mind a lot.
P.P.S. You gusy better be happy.
P.P.P.S. I will not blog AS much
I will keep blogging.
But, it'll be different, okay?
If you'd like to know what I'm doing please visit my Twitter account: LizziShopaholic.
Must go. I have dance lessons.
P.S. As you can see, I change my mind a lot.
P.P.S. You gusy better be happy.
P.P.P.S. I will not blog AS much
Friday, March 6, 2009
I think I'm going through a phase again where this blog is really boring. Like super boring. WAY BORING. BEYOND WAY BORING.
Sooooo. I think I'm gonna quit. This time for real. So, maybe I'll start a new blog.
But, really, I'm tired of this one. Aren't you?
Please enjoy this blog for another week, then I will delete so I cannot come back.
Sorry guys.
I love you.
Lizzi <3
Sooooo. I think I'm gonna quit. This time for real. So, maybe I'll start a new blog.
But, really, I'm tired of this one. Aren't you?
Please enjoy this blog for another week, then I will delete so I cannot come back.
Sorry guys.
I love you.
Lizzi <3
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"I know a guy who's tough but sweet..."
I know a guy who's tough but sweet
He's so fine, he can't be beat
He's got everything that I desire
Sets the summer sun on fire
I want candy, I want candy
Go to see him when the sun goes down
Ain't no finer boy in town
You're my guy, just what the doctor ordered
So sweet, you make my mouth water
I want candy, I want candy
Candy on the beach, there's nothing better
But I like candy when it's wrapped in a sweater
Some day soon I'll make you mine,
Then I'll have candy all the time
I want candy, I want candy
I want candy, I want candy...
Lyrics from lyricsondemand.com
I had my first three way call today! I was talking to Cass on the phone and she goes, "Lemme get Alexis so we can do a three-way."
It's so cool.
ANYWAY. Beddy time.
I'll give you more deets and cool stuff tomorrow or something.
Very tired. yawn.
He's so fine, he can't be beat
He's got everything that I desire
Sets the summer sun on fire
I want candy, I want candy
Go to see him when the sun goes down
Ain't no finer boy in town
You're my guy, just what the doctor ordered
So sweet, you make my mouth water
I want candy, I want candy
Candy on the beach, there's nothing better
But I like candy when it's wrapped in a sweater
Some day soon I'll make you mine,
Then I'll have candy all the time
I want candy, I want candy
I want candy, I want candy...
Lyrics from lyricsondemand.com
I had my first three way call today! I was talking to Cass on the phone and she goes, "Lemme get Alexis so we can do a three-way."
It's so cool.
ANYWAY. Beddy time.
I'll give you more deets and cool stuff tomorrow or something.
Very tired. yawn.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"We fight we breakup, we kiss we makeup."
"Hot N Cold" by Katy Perry.

Sorry about the mop in that one picture...
Anyway, that's me with some makeup (not a lot) because I was bored yesterday (snow day).
Pink lipstick
Tan eyeshadow
Extra black mascara
Glitter eyeliner
I didn't need any cover up or foundation because I checked for zits and couldn't find any... thank god. lol
I thought it looked pretty good, if I say so myself. My eye makeup was even and my lipstick didn't look like some cheap 99¢ drugstore lipstick that clumps and smudges around the perimiter of my lips. Run-on sentence! Whoops. But, too much mascara makes me eyelashes look like spider legs. x]
Shower time.
XOX Lizzi

Sorry about the mop in that one picture...
Anyway, that's me with some makeup (not a lot) because I was bored yesterday (snow day).
Pink lipstick
Tan eyeshadow
Extra black mascara
Glitter eyeliner
I didn't need any cover up or foundation because I checked for zits and couldn't find any... thank god. lol
I thought it looked pretty good, if I say so myself. My eye makeup was even and my lipstick didn't look like some cheap 99¢ drugstore lipstick that clumps and smudges around the perimiter of my lips. Run-on sentence! Whoops. But, too much mascara makes me eyelashes look like spider legs. x]
Shower time.
XOX Lizzi
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow day [again]
This morning:
--> turned off my alarm clock
--> got up and picked up the clothes off my floor
--> tried to see if it was snowing outside
--> got dressed
--> went downstairs
--> had my mom check if it was a snow day
--> took Twiggy out to do her business
--> came back in
--> found it was a snow day
--> got some breakfast
--> finished and went upstairs to change into sweats and a tank
--> got some orange juice
It's still morning, but you get the point. It's still snowing and there are probably about 4? 5? 6? 7? inches of snow.
To my California friends:
It's okay. Don't feel bad for yourself. It just adds another day in June. And you can always go to Tahoe!! :D
I really want this winter coat:

These are my top twelve shoes:

Tagged! - by Lizzi♥JB [Love is on its way] on Polyvore.com
COOOMMMMMENNNNTTTT. I will make a v-log soon!
--> turned off my alarm clock
--> got up and picked up the clothes off my floor
--> tried to see if it was snowing outside
--> got dressed
--> went downstairs
--> had my mom check if it was a snow day
--> took Twiggy out to do her business
--> came back in
--> found it was a snow day
--> got some breakfast
--> finished and went upstairs to change into sweats and a tank
--> got some orange juice
It's still morning, but you get the point. It's still snowing and there are probably about 4? 5? 6? 7? inches of snow.
To my California friends:
It's okay. Don't feel bad for yourself. It just adds another day in June. And you can always go to Tahoe!! :D
I really want this winter coat:

These are my top twelve shoes:
Tagged! - by Lizzi♥JB [Love is on its way] on Polyvore.com
COOOMMMMMENNNNTTTT. I will make a v-log soon!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My gosh- big weekend. Today I am just hangingg!!!!
Too much to talk about.
I'll go over in the next few posts.
Sooo. I kinda figured I'd rather just do a lunch with a couple of besties for my party and go shopping/spa-ing with my mom on my real birthday. Just hang. Last year was pretty big, so I'll skip a year of party.
My family and I have been so excited for summer. We might go to France, so I've been imagining some outfits. Haha. I made this a couple of weeks ago, though:

Trip to Paris - by Lizzi♥JB [Love is on its way] on Polyvore.com
But, I've been working on it.
Peace out. Have a good time, lovelies.
<3 Lizzi
Too much to talk about.
I'll go over in the next few posts.
Sooo. I kinda figured I'd rather just do a lunch with a couple of besties for my party and go shopping/spa-ing with my mom on my real birthday. Just hang. Last year was pretty big, so I'll skip a year of party.
My family and I have been so excited for summer. We might go to France, so I've been imagining some outfits. Haha. I made this a couple of weeks ago, though:
Trip to Paris - by Lizzi♥JB [Love is on its way] on Polyvore.com
But, I've been working on it.
Peace out. Have a good time, lovelies.
<3 Lizzi
Friday, February 27, 2009
Live to Party <3
Two birthday parties this weekend... I'll blog if I'm not tired tomorrow.
So I'm gonna be singing "Live to Party" by the JoBros, babyyy!
Speaking of JoBros...
HAPPY JONAS BROTHERS 3-D MOVIE EXPERIENCE PREMIER!!!!!!! (or however you spell premier.)
WHOOO HOO! I may be going next weekend. Yay!!
It has been such a long week. So long. Yesterday, I kept thinking it was Friday. So, there weren't a lot of people on the bus yesterday... and I was thinking, "It's probably because not a lot of people ride the bus on Friday."
Oh and by the way, Lent is here (don't know what Lent is... look it up) and so I decided to give up (or mostly up) the computer. I get an hour and a half max for 40 days. Soooooooo, my point is I won't be blogging every day because of that. Right now I have wasted about 39 minutes.
So Franny said the colors oatmeal-color and green look good. I'm gonna take a look and tell you guys what I discover later. But, knowing Francesca, I bet she is right. ;)
Oh well. Comment with questions or complements!! Your brain lights up every time you get a compliment (my 9 year old sister taught me that).
XOX Lizzi
So I'm gonna be singing "Live to Party" by the JoBros, babyyy!
Speaking of JoBros...
HAPPY JONAS BROTHERS 3-D MOVIE EXPERIENCE PREMIER!!!!!!! (or however you spell premier.)
WHOOO HOO! I may be going next weekend. Yay!!
It has been such a long week. So long. Yesterday, I kept thinking it was Friday. So, there weren't a lot of people on the bus yesterday... and I was thinking, "It's probably because not a lot of people ride the bus on Friday."
Oh and by the way, Lent is here (don't know what Lent is... look it up) and so I decided to give up (or mostly up) the computer. I get an hour and a half max for 40 days. Soooooooo, my point is I won't be blogging every day because of that. Right now I have wasted about 39 minutes.
So Franny said the colors oatmeal-color and green look good. I'm gonna take a look and tell you guys what I discover later. But, knowing Francesca, I bet she is right. ;)
Oh well. Comment with questions or complements!! Your brain lights up every time you get a compliment (my 9 year old sister taught me that).
XOX Lizzi
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My fingers are numb from typing seven paragraphs about Ancient India.
And my eyes burn from reading my notes.
I finally finished homework after about an hour and 45 minutes of homework. I look like half zombie/ half under-slept. My eyes are red and droopy and my neck is as stiff as a 200 year old man's.
When I got home, I:
-logged on AIM
-checked all my emails
-got some chocolate pudding
-IMed Cathy, Aisha, and Chloe
-went to the bathroom
-got some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
-filmed myself singing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz
-got nagged by my dad for not starting homework
-started homework
Now my head hurts and I am terribly starving. If only I get could a pedi-mani right this second.
It's Ash Wednesday today (Catholic/Christian day)and I'm not supposed to eat meat. So, a ton of us were discussing it on the way to the cafeteria today and of course I totally forget and get a pepperoni pizza.
My friend Alexis goes, "Isn't pepperoni meat?"
So I had to pick it off and try to ignore my temptation to eat them.
I was thinking about how many Jersey friends I had today... and I was trying to count... but I lost track. lol
Let's see here:
Cass H.
Chelsea M.
Emelei K.
Alexis M.
Swetha T.
Aisha Z.
Francesca N.
Will C.
Kyle H.
Morgan H.
Aly M.
Elanor G.
Natalie B.
Cathy N.
Jessie B.
Julia W.
Shalaka F.
Dakata S.
Kristin O.
Emily F.
Katie W.
Katie G.
Chloe M.
Sarah H.
Amanda V.
Mia M.
Caroline S.
Jack S.
Aubrey M.
UMMMM. I think that's all. Trying to think. Oh well. So that adds up to... 30?
Wow. And I have more in California too... YOWZAAA!
I'm so tired. Better get some rest.

XOX Lizzi
I finally finished homework after about an hour and 45 minutes of homework. I look like half zombie/ half under-slept. My eyes are red and droopy and my neck is as stiff as a 200 year old man's.
When I got home, I:
-logged on AIM
-checked all my emails
-got some chocolate pudding
-IMed Cathy, Aisha, and Chloe
-went to the bathroom
-got some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
-filmed myself singing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz
-got nagged by my dad for not starting homework
-started homework
Now my head hurts and I am terribly starving. If only I get could a pedi-mani right this second.
It's Ash Wednesday today (Catholic/Christian day)and I'm not supposed to eat meat. So, a ton of us were discussing it on the way to the cafeteria today and of course I totally forget and get a pepperoni pizza.
My friend Alexis goes, "Isn't pepperoni meat?"
So I had to pick it off and try to ignore my temptation to eat them.
I was thinking about how many Jersey friends I had today... and I was trying to count... but I lost track. lol
Let's see here:
Cass H.
Chelsea M.
Emelei K.
Alexis M.
Swetha T.
Aisha Z.
Francesca N.
Will C.
Kyle H.
Morgan H.
Aly M.
Elanor G.
Natalie B.
Cathy N.
Jessie B.
Julia W.
Shalaka F.
Dakata S.
Kristin O.
Emily F.
Katie W.
Katie G.
Chloe M.
Sarah H.
Amanda V.
Mia M.
Caroline S.
Jack S.
Aubrey M.
UMMMM. I think that's all. Trying to think. Oh well. So that adds up to... 30?
Wow. And I have more in California too... YOWZAAA!
I'm so tired. Better get some rest.

XOX Lizzi
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Bus Buddies
So, there is this girl who had to sit next to me on the bus today cuz almost everybody was on. And she sat and started talking. Somehow, she knew I was "the girl from California"...
She was really nice though. I think her name was either Delia or Amelia. But, it was kinda squished on the two seater, but at least she smelled good (no, Cassidy, I didn't smell her).
Anywayy. Our conversation kinda stopped soon. I didn't have the courage to start a new one. It's not that I am shy or anything.. I just have a problem with starting conversations for some reason. The only way I can do that is by asking a question or cracking a joke.
School was boring. No homework tonight though. YAAAA-HOOO!
I'm just gonna reee-laxxx. Catch up on recordings, make a couple Polyvores, sleep a stress/worry-free night.
Yesterday, I was trying to see what I would look like without a gap in my front teeth x].

I know, I'm a bit odd at times.
This is my favorite teen Vogue issue. I don't know why. The Taylor Swift issue stunk almost as much as she does. [Obviously, I don't like Taylor Swift. Only her music)

Love those Marc Jacobs booties. Sent Francesca the black version while playing the "cute game". Good times... good times.
Speaking of you, Franny... get on First Class or AIM ASAP. Have some stuff to discuss. Same with you Cassidy.
Have a wonderful day, lovlies.
She was really nice though. I think her name was either Delia or Amelia. But, it was kinda squished on the two seater, but at least she smelled good (no, Cassidy, I didn't smell her).
Anywayy. Our conversation kinda stopped soon. I didn't have the courage to start a new one. It's not that I am shy or anything.. I just have a problem with starting conversations for some reason. The only way I can do that is by asking a question or cracking a joke.
School was boring. No homework tonight though. YAAAA-HOOO!
I'm just gonna reee-laxxx. Catch up on recordings, make a couple Polyvores, sleep a stress/worry-free night.
Yesterday, I was trying to see what I would look like without a gap in my front teeth x].

I know, I'm a bit odd at times.
This is my favorite teen Vogue issue. I don't know why. The Taylor Swift issue stunk almost as much as she does. [Obviously, I don't like Taylor Swift. Only her music)

Love those Marc Jacobs booties. Sent Francesca the black version while playing the "cute game". Good times... good times.
Speaking of you, Franny... get on First Class or AIM ASAP. Have some stuff to discuss. Same with you Cassidy.
Have a wonderful day, lovlies.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Professional Procrastinator.
And cheater. Using a calculator for some math. Shhhh!
I still have language arts, more math, and some social studies. :(
We have a big block of school from now until April 1st. No half days, early dissmissals, days off, or any activity days. A big block of... NOTHING. Thank god tomorrow night is the district night off!! (no homework)
I got distracted:

I thought that one looked like someone who goes to my school named Pat. x]

Can't wait for my birthday (actual day- March 27th). It's a secret what I'm doing... but it is for some major fashionistas! If it doesn't work out... my back up plan is 80s.

Top 3 Oscar Dresses - by L i z z i ♥ Jonas on Polyvore.com
I still have language arts, more math, and some social studies. :(
We have a big block of school from now until April 1st. No half days, early dissmissals, days off, or any activity days. A big block of... NOTHING. Thank god tomorrow night is the district night off!! (no homework)
I got distracted:

I thought that one looked like someone who goes to my school named Pat. x]

Can't wait for my birthday (actual day- March 27th). It's a secret what I'm doing... but it is for some major fashionistas! If it doesn't work out... my back up plan is 80s.
Top 3 Oscar Dresses - by L i z z i ♥ Jonas on Polyvore.com
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ten Minutes
I slept over at Cassidy's house, last night very fun, as usual. Some interesting things happened such as crazy dancing, hiccuping, coughing, sneezing, annddd burping at the same time. Some other stiff too.
But, I have to make this post in ten minutes, so no pics, no fun stuff. Sorry!
GRRR! My mom is making me eat these red peppers, and they are leaving a yucky taste in my mouth.
Here is a survey, cuz I don't know any other way to entertain you at the moment.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Joe Jonas
Who do you blame for your mood today?
Have you ever seen a dead body?
Hmmm... actually, I saw a picture of one yesterday x]
How long do you think you will live?
Until I am at least eighty.
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Wait for Cassidy to wake up.
The color of carpet in your bedroom?
Black & white (zebra)
Last person you went out to dinner with?
Dad, brother & sister (mom was out of town)
Are you spoiled?
Do you drink lots of water?
Yeah, most of the time.
What toothpaste do you use?
How do you vent your anger?
Talk to myself; cry; yell
The last compliment you received?
Don't remember. :)
What are you doing this weekend?
UMMMM. Well today: homework, eBay, errands
When was the last time you threw up?
What theme does your room have?
Purple; Paris-y
When was the last time you were at a party?
New Years.
Are you a mama's child or a daddy's child?
Both :D
Would you ever join the military?
Nahh; so not me.
The last website you visited?
Besides Blogger... hmm... Polyvore!
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Cass!! HEHE!
Last person you went to the movies with?
Cass; yesterday; Confessions of a Shopaholic
What did you will you do for your birthday this year?
80s theme!
Number of layers on your bed?
3, I think...
Is anything alive in your room?
My cats <3
Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
Forward. I like seeing the future...
What are you looking forward to right now?
Alrighty, gotta go. Stupid errands and stupid everything else I'm doing today. And for the next week.
But, I have to make this post in ten minutes, so no pics, no fun stuff. Sorry!
GRRR! My mom is making me eat these red peppers, and they are leaving a yucky taste in my mouth.
Here is a survey, cuz I don't know any other way to entertain you at the moment.
Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
Joe Jonas
Who do you blame for your mood today?
Have you ever seen a dead body?
Hmmm... actually, I saw a picture of one yesterday x]
How long do you think you will live?
Until I am at least eighty.
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Wait for Cassidy to wake up.
The color of carpet in your bedroom?
Black & white (zebra)
Last person you went out to dinner with?
Dad, brother & sister (mom was out of town)
Are you spoiled?
Do you drink lots of water?
Yeah, most of the time.
What toothpaste do you use?
How do you vent your anger?
Talk to myself; cry; yell
The last compliment you received?
Don't remember. :)
What are you doing this weekend?
UMMMM. Well today: homework, eBay, errands
When was the last time you threw up?
What theme does your room have?
Purple; Paris-y
When was the last time you were at a party?
New Years.
Are you a mama's child or a daddy's child?
Both :D
Would you ever join the military?
Nahh; so not me.
The last website you visited?
Besides Blogger... hmm... Polyvore!
Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Cass!! HEHE!
Last person you went to the movies with?
Cass; yesterday; Confessions of a Shopaholic
What did you will you do for your birthday this year?
80s theme!
Number of layers on your bed?
3, I think...
Is anything alive in your room?
My cats <3
Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
Forward. I like seeing the future...
What are you looking forward to right now?
Alrighty, gotta go. Stupid errands and stupid everything else I'm doing today. And for the next week.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Whoa, this three day school week has been hard. My eyes are burning, they are so tired. I am not looking forward to next week either. Note-taking, project-doing, ozone-learning, paragraph-writing, angle-measuring, bonjour-saying, newsletter-making, colored pencil-drawing, ball-smacking, and drama-dealing.
I think I am failing math. I did terrible on my test, guessed on my project, and turned something in a week late. HEEELLLOOOOO! Gimme a break. I have been running around trying to keep every single grade up, trying my best not to get a detention, dancing my butt off, socializing, and trying to get some sleep all at the same time.
I wonder what it would be like if I still lived in California. Would I be stressing as much? Stress free? More drama? Less drama? Better grades? Worse grades? What would happen?
What if you could have two lives? That would be cool just to see what it would be like... almost like you have one life, but then another. I guess that's kinda obvious... lol.
The only bad thing about Fridays is that my sister comes home at 3:45 rather than 4:45. I like being home by myself for a while. It's nice.
Grr... no wonder I have a headache, I haven't gotten a snack for myself. I haven't eaten since 10:30am and it is 3:46!
Now go and take a potty break while I get some cereal or something.
Back. I got some Frosted Mini Wheats: second fave cereal. My first is Honey bunches of Oats. Yummers!
On Tuesday, I was so bored, I started trying to do cross-eyes. I still can't do it.

Then, I got too frustrated, so I put on "Live to Party" by JB and started rocking out:

I also thought this was a funny picture.

Have a wonderful Friday.
A plus tard, lovlies!
P.P.S. Yes, those are terribly ugly pictures. Especially the first "rocking out" one. It looks like I'm on crack. I guess it's kinda obvious the Jonas Brothers make me slightly crazy.
P.P.P.S. Aright, VERY crazy. <3
I think I am failing math. I did terrible on my test, guessed on my project, and turned something in a week late. HEEELLLOOOOO! Gimme a break. I have been running around trying to keep every single grade up, trying my best not to get a detention, dancing my butt off, socializing, and trying to get some sleep all at the same time.
I wonder what it would be like if I still lived in California. Would I be stressing as much? Stress free? More drama? Less drama? Better grades? Worse grades? What would happen?
What if you could have two lives? That would be cool just to see what it would be like... almost like you have one life, but then another. I guess that's kinda obvious... lol.
The only bad thing about Fridays is that my sister comes home at 3:45 rather than 4:45. I like being home by myself for a while. It's nice.
Grr... no wonder I have a headache, I haven't gotten a snack for myself. I haven't eaten since 10:30am and it is 3:46!
Now go and take a potty break while I get some cereal or something.
Back. I got some Frosted Mini Wheats: second fave cereal. My first is Honey bunches of Oats. Yummers!
On Tuesday, I was so bored, I started trying to do cross-eyes. I still can't do it.

Then, I got too frustrated, so I put on "Live to Party" by JB and started rocking out:

I also thought this was a funny picture.

Have a wonderful Friday.
A plus tard, lovlies!
P.P.S. Yes, those are terribly ugly pictures. Especially the first "rocking out" one. It looks like I'm on crack. I guess it's kinda obvious the Jonas Brothers make me slightly crazy.
P.P.P.S. Aright, VERY crazy. <3
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Quick as a drive-thru
This has to be quick or else I will run out of time to get my dance clothes on. ANYWAYY!
"Hot N Cold" Katy Perry
I finished homework abut fifteen minutes ago and now I am just hanging. Looking at some new blogs, chatting on AIM, etc.etc.etc. as the King from King and I would say ;)
I have this whole birthday list in front of me. I'll post some ideas for you guys laytah. You btter get me a prez! [x
Notice how I am writing all stutter-y is 'cause I ammm veryy exciting, so if you don't like how I am typing. It will stoppp..... NOW.
Here are some sundress finds.

Tell me what you think.
Dress 1: Urban Outfitters
Dress 2: Pac Sun
Dress 3: Pac Sun
"Hot N Cold" Katy Perry
I finished homework abut fifteen minutes ago and now I am just hanging. Looking at some new blogs, chatting on AIM, etc.etc.etc. as the King from King and I would say ;)
I have this whole birthday list in front of me. I'll post some ideas for you guys laytah. You btter get me a prez! [x
Notice how I am writing all stutter-y is 'cause I ammm veryy exciting, so if you don't like how I am typing. It will stoppp..... NOW.
Here are some sundress finds.

Tell me what you think.
Dress 1: Urban Outfitters
Dress 2: Pac Sun
Dress 3: Pac Sun
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