I almost said sh** today on accident because I was saying "shoot" but I covered my mouth which kinda squashed my 'OOOOOOO' sound and made it more of a 'short i' sound if you know what I mean. Don't try it. If you wondering how it quote, "squashed it" end quote; your hand doesn't let your mouth make an 'O' in order to say 'oooooo'
Anyway, yeah. So, yeah. Yep. Yes. Oui. I forget how to say 'yes' in Spanish. Oh yeahhhh, it's si. Si.
We are decorating the Christmas tree tonight before I go to Cassidy's. And I'm going to NYC tomorrow sometime which I don't know.
Okay, I really gotta go. I'm really in a bad mood right now.
One word: Love by Mrs.Jonas
aww feel better! [oh and if you see jb take a pic for meee] ;]
aww. my teacher for math waz a "sourtart" 2day too.
I hope if you start a new blog, you let me know the name.. I just LOVE reading this one and keeping up with you.. Love, Mrs. B
Thanks, guys!!
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