Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Alright, eleven more posts.

'Kay, normally, I would be doing homework and be blogging at 4ish. But, i don't feel like doing homework. Also, I would normally be saying, '10 more posts'. I decided to one more post for the poeple who commented. But, that won't get any higher unless other people comment.

Things to do before Monday:
1. Finish my music essays.
2. Finish my Language Ats project.
3. Finish some Polyvores.
4. But The Clique Movie (aren;t you surprised that I haven't already?)
5. But my old gym clothes in the hamper and get new ones.
5. Line up my outfit for Monday. Must be professional-looking. Don't ask.
6. Think of new blog ideas.
7. Train Twiggy with the shock collar (joy.)
8. Take many showers.
9. Sell stuff on eBay.

I've got one busy weekend. Thank god today was a half day, because then I am able to start and maybe finish my homework before night. The music homework might take a while.

Oh my Jonas, so there's this guy named Harrison in my class and I hate him (you'll see why in a minute). I went to go get something and he had his hand on my chair, so he could sit there. I went to go sit down then he pulled my chair away and down I went. On the floor. In a dress. The floor was tile. I was embarrassed. People were laughing. I bruised my elbow. Harrison laughed and walked away. Without. Saying. Sorry.


I was just watching P!nk's So What vid and it's hilarious. I never really liked her until a couple weeks ago.

Well, um, for those of you who haven't commented, comment. For those of you who have, thanks. I really appreciate it.


Cassidy said...

Guess what!?!? I commented!!!!!!!!!! well obviouslt im JoiseyGal's BIGGEST fan!!! Adn the owner of JoiseyGal is my BEST FREIND! beat that other readers!

Anonymous said...

LOL Cassidy!!! OMJ lizzi I LUV ur blog its soooo cool! Have you seen my blog? Here's the link:
Anyway, u hav a lot to do 4 the weekend. I have like nooo HW.

Anonymous said...

hey lizzy i <3 your blog!!!
guess who i am...
i'll give you a clue i'm a purple girl lol

xobeachboundox said...

omg harrison sounda like a total jerk. i wouls hate hime toooo. lol. you ahould keep your blog londer than 11. like 11 times 8.

DeeDee said...

I love the P!nk video too. harrison is a meany. I talked with madi and gabby and they said that they don't know how to comment. I tried to explain but the bell rang. Maybe you should drop them a line and tell them how. I'm on page 286 of Twilight. I love it, I'm planning on seeing the movie too. It's an addiction, too bad. I still have 2 more books to read in the Clique but I'm nearing bankrupcy and am angry at Hollister- don't ask. Keep your blog!!!

L said...

ok, i have a question, do all the other people who comment actually know Lizzi, like, have met her in person?

by the way,
don't pay attention to the "like" it's just a cali thing for people who don't know that.

Lizzi said...

Yep, they all know me and have met me

DeeDee said...

i'm bored. i'll say hi. hi. i'm sad and hate the postal service. never trust a mailman. mine stole my hollister package and my manicure pedicure gift certificates. don't worry, i'll stop venting to you. bye.

L said...

now i fell left out cuz i am, like, an outsider...
