If I don't get an answer by tomorrow, I'm calling Swetha.
Current eBay posts:
Yes, I know that the pictures are double, its cuz they are two separate posts. And yes, that is my bedroom in the bedspread picture. Just click on the picture and it'll bring you straight to the description page if you are interested. There are also more pictures. Contact me if you have questions :-)
My tooth just fell out and now my gum is bleeding. Sicko. Hold on, gotta call Mom and ask her for some 2 cycle oil (don't ask).
Back. The first eBay pic is of a seven year old Coach purse. The second is a four year old Parisian-style bed spread. The second is a girls gown. The third is a matching one. The last is the matching bed spread. The dresses are brand new with tags, size 7 and 8. The Coach purse money is going in our Europe fund, so, if you want that... make sure to bid high! Also, there are no reserves on any of my items.
Next items coming...
NEW pink Mossimo Co. sweater
Blue April Cornell dress
Pink satin vest
and more to come after that.
Got that? So, bid. ;-)
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