Today, I....
-Finally finished Criss Cross! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! And just in time for The Clique Summer Collection: Claire... which comes out tomorrow.
-Played Super Smash Brothers on my friends Wii and got a headache because of my.... can you guess? my cold.
So, anyway, tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow! You're only a day ah-way, I'm going to this little boutique with hard-to-get designer apparel or something. I'm also getting TCSC: Claire, and going to the ASPCA to play with kittens and puppies! I know your all probably saying, "Awwwwwwwwwww" and putting your hand n your heart. If you're not, then do it now, so I'm right.
Oh, by the way, my August Food Obsession is bread and white cheddar cheese. I'm too lazy to change it, so just keep that in mind.
Aaaaaaaand tonight at 8pm is.... Teen Choice Awards '08! *applause*
Thanks, Cass for reminding me. You're
as usual.
I've noticed that other blogs post almost every day, sooo... I'll probably be dong that a lot this summer....
I'll make a poll asking if that's a good idea or not...
I know, I'm soooo awesome!!!! So is Metro Station!!!
Yaaaaaaa! Totally! It would be even awesome-er if we saw each other before school started. Kidding, kidding.... no pressure :-)
We can, we can, WE CAN!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and who's you wii playing friend???
You don't know her. She's a family friend
Hi you don't know me but cool blog. JK you know me
Hi. Who wrote the weird comment? And <3 the blog!
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