Alright before I get into my tops & tees part, I'd like to share with you a story that happened today 2nd period, in gym.
Here goes:
I had chosen to play soccer over speed ball (I hate both of them). I was doing an excellent job, if I say so myself. Blocking, Goaling (if that's a word), and being aggressive.
Thinking I deserved a nice pass, I turned around only to discover that one of my team mates had kicked a ball crazy-hard and right at the direction of my face (of course it was an accident. Who would want to kick a soccer ball at my face?). Bam. I didn't know what hit me. It all went to fast. The only thing I could do was close my eyes.
After several seconds, the ball had rolled away from my tingling face. I saw people surrounding me with concerned faces. All I could do was walk towards my gym teacher in pain. I had that kind of feeling where I tried my hardest not to cry and humiliate myself even more. I knew if I moved my face in any way, I would cry. My ears teared up as I accepted my gym teacher's offer for me to go to the nurse.
I told her I wanted to go alone and went out there and took a deep breathe. I saw the water fountain standing in front of me. It was tempting. I needed water. I took a gulp or two and splashed a bit on my face. It worked after a couple of blinks. I walked back in slowly.
"I'm back, Mrs. Quinlan. I don't need to go to the nurse," i reassured her.
"Good job." She held her fist out. I lightly punched it, telling myself not to refuse. My eyes teared.
People started saying things like, "Good job, Lizzi" and "You okay?" which made the pain go away a little faster.
The guy who kicked me said, "Back from the dead?" All I coul do was nod and fake laugh.
Sorry, I needed to practice for Language Arts. But, it's a true story. haha.
Right now, I'm sitting in my disgusting but warm orange sweatshirt and thinking how terribly stupid it was to write a story about how a kid kicked a soccer ball at my face. (again, it was on accident)
I was unpacking my bag from my awesome Friday night sleepover I had with
Cassidy. As I was looking through my shirt drawer, I found some tees and tops I hadn't worn for a while that were buried under all my A&F crap (not that I don't love their jeans).
So, tomorrow I'm wearing one.
Shout out to
Francesca for wearing an awesome top today!
Tomorrow is my last post if no one new comments.