Have you ever heard of cell phones? I bet you haven't because now you probably have some high-tech gismo thing that sends telepathic messages to your friends and family (I guess it oculd also be enemies or strangers... it depends if you prank call or not). Let me tell you about the cell phone. It is pronounced "sell-fone". These phones are used for text messaging, phone calls, and interenet when you are away from home. To learn more about the cell phone, Google (if you guys still have Internet) 'cell phone'. Hey! You just learned something new today!
Lizzi Wyatt (from the PAST)
SOOO, my point is that I overheard this conversation on cell phones and this dude didn't know what a cell phone was. How crazy is that?! Gosh, even a newborn baby knows what a cell phone is.
Last night, I got this email from my dad called 'Girl on Bike. TURN UP THE VOLUME!!!!!!' or something like that. So I opened it and all these people were saying stuff like, "You can hear her head hit the pole if you turn up to volume" or "This is why you wear a helmet". My sister and I turned up the volume and watched the girl ride on the bike. There was this happy music and all and I was waiting for her to bump her head when BOOM! I bumped my head because this retarted clown guy popped up and screamed bloody murder. *shivers*
Then, I sent it to
Cassidy who fell for it but that's a whole different story.
I have no homework tonight, but I am going to finish my science lab, pack for Watershed, and read my book which I have to finish by November, so hopefully I don't spend as much time on the computer as I normally do.
My day:
Homeroom: unpacked all my stuff and yawned a couple times.
Period 1 (LA)- Ms. H read
Holes aloud and then we went over our homework from last night.
Period 2 (Gym)- jogged a half a mile, then played Dance Dance.
Period 3 (Math)- went over our test (I got an A) and we got our progress report grades. I truly think I did the best I could. She said that was all that mattered.
LUNCH- I had a roast beef sub, a cookie, and rasberry-flavored water.
Period 4 (French)- we made flash cards, I had to help this guy bring his books to the nurse ('cause he is on crutches), and I read four pages of my book.
Period 5 (Science)- I searched the mallard duck in the computer lab *snore*
Period 6 (Art)- I finished my project, then drew two drawng similar to one of Sujean Rim's.
Period 7 (S.S.)- Had a test and finished part of my Current Event Project.
Today was what we call an A Day. Tomorrow is a B Day. On B Days, 4th Period is music for me, and 6th is Computers.Confusing, right? Some of my friends are only in two of my classes. :-(
I think I saw a beaver today on the bus. Creepy, right?