Thoughts & Rants & Style by Lizzi.

Monday, February 18, 2008


The fashion here is so much different. Different stores and brands. Different tastes in style. And most of all, the choices in expenses. Here are some of the most popular stores and brands.

Abercrombie & Fitch: Expensive designer store. I shop there a lot now. It isn't the preppy store anymore, it's now the revealing teenage/tween beach-style store. 

Hollister: No, it's not the city, it's the store. Beach-style store for tweens and teens. Almost a copy of Abercrombie & Fitch. Also expensive.

American Eagle Outfitters: Haven't been there much, but enough to know what it's like. Also for teens, not so expensive.

We also shop at Limited Too, rarely Old Navy, rarely GAP, and Justice (same owners of Limited Too).

I have basically a new wardrobe now! This is a good part of moving here...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My firsts and lasts

I'm sorry I couldn't post videos...only on youtube and I don't even have an account. Nothing much is happening, I'm just sitting here in my PJs and a Hollister sweatshirt looking at the snow from my kitchen window. It would be even better though if all my CA friends were sitting next to me also in their PJs and a sweatshirt amazed by the snow floating to the wet ground.
Since nothing has really happened recently, I've decided to write about my Firsts and Lasts. Things like first crushes (sorry boys: but, you've all had one too), first NJ b-day party, and last year at Bear Tavern (also known as Beer Tavern), last year at Olive School, and everything else I can think of.
First NJ b-day party: Rachel's, We went to that Hannah Montana 3D concert and then we went to a pizza parlor after.
First tooth: Lost it at my old preschool I was visiting when I was 5 or 6.
First few careers for me: Ballerina, Baker, or an astronaut
First year at Bear Tavern: Still going through the process
Last year at Olive School: Miserable! I couldn't leave the darn building!
Last year at Bear Tavern: Can't Wait!!
Last spelling bee: Last Year when I misspelled lieutenant.
Last REAL smile: never.

Any friends who read this, please call or email me!! I need to hear from you...